Select Estate Financieringen
Introductie Select Estate Financieringen is een gespecialiseerd intermediair die bemiddelt in het verkrijgen van hypothecaire leningen. Het bedrijf is werkzaam in de regio Den Haag en omstreken en beschikt over jaren lange expertise op het gebied van particulier onroerend goed in Nederland en het buitenland. Er wordt samengewerkt met een aantal gerenommeerde makelaars en bonafide geldverstrekkers waaronder: banken, verzekeraars, Hypotheek- en Bouwfondsen. Een persoonlijk en direct contact met u als klant staat bij ons centraal. Wij zijn u graag van dienst met het, op een deskundige en professionele manier, verkrijgen van de juiste en passende hypothecaire lening voor de aankoop van uw eigen huis, pied à terre, vakantiewoning of pleziervaartuig.
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This mortgage advisor acted as amateur conartist when he reviewed my case several times for possible house mortgages and then decided to not go along with me once I got the offer accepted even though I had such a very good profile that he gave me an upfront guarantee to make an offer without financial conditions and said "I will not let you down". I was thrilled finally to get the house after looking for so long and I told him that we needed this house as we just had a second child few days ago. He says his an independant advisor, but he pushed me to go with Abn Amro (as he has a good cut with them) pretending the reason was he could get the mortgage within the grace period. His mortgage security meant nothing cause he kept saying you have a way to get out if you don't get the mortgage within the grace period. When I asked if he doesn't get the mortgage on time than "it's no cure no fees", he confirmed and said I have his full trust only to read next day that he's not servicing me.
Very clear, well-explained and helpful The advisor took the time to explain all options and is highly recommended for both Dutch and international customers. He listened to my requirements and was able to give simple, clear advice on the suitable mortgage for my needs. Bron: extern