Hypotheek Visie Den Bosch
698 reviewsReview details
Review door Anoniem
Geschreven op: 21 maart 2017
He made a good construction. But from our point of view he went not enough into details even knowing that we are foreigners. Furthermore we found out only some days ago that we should have a woonhuisverzekering when buying a house. The advisor never mentioned that to us. We had the key for some weeks already without being ensured in case of fire. It is actually quite shocking for us that he missed this essential point but focusing more on other assurances for us. Furthermore we had always him and his team to send us relevant documents by email.
We know that it can go different. Therefore we dont think that our expectations are too high.
Details adviesgesprek
Het adviesgesprek vond plaats in februari 2017.
De review is afkomstig van Advieskeuze.